Dance | Research | Activism |
My Path and My Work
Contributing to a comprehensive eco-social transformation is at the heart of my work. We need to respond to the ecological crisis we are facing with tireless determination and inexhaustible creativity. At the same time, it is necessary to actively dismantle white supremacy and various other forms of social discrimination. This requires action and the courage to re-imagine how we can live together as people and societies. I believe that the combination of dance, research and activism can open up solutions that – at the first glance – were not maybe visible or felt. Acknowledging the interconnectedness of humans, ecosystems, cultures and the more-than-human life-forms is present in my work as a dance-artist, researcher and activist. ©Lakea Film Company (above) Sandra Ahlqvist (below)

"Sometimes the way to milk and honey is through the body.
Sometimes the way in is a song.
But there are three ways in the world: dangerous, wounding,
and beauty.
To enter stone, be water.
To rise through hard earth, be plant
desiring sunlight, believing in water.
To enter fire, be dry.
To enter life, be food.”
The way in
Linda Hogan
Insights from the Crossroads
Since many years, I have found myself navigating between performing arts, activism and political science. In stead of choosing to follow only one of these paths, I have come to appreciate the place at the crossroads. In my work, I am bringing together the corporeal knowledge of dance, they joy of learning and the urgency of activism, and critical perspectives on society that research in Political Science has opened up to me.